- Xbmc Media Center For Mac
- Mac Mini For A Media Center
- Mac Media Store
- Media Center For Mac Mini Computers
In this article I am will make you through the strides of building a Mac Media Center. Since Apple announced the Mac Mini each one has been looking at building a Mac Media Center and utilizing a Mac Mini to do it with. Which Mac Should You Get? There are some of Mac’s available. And you have to consider who you will utilize your Mac Media Center keeping in mind the end goal to settle on which Mac will suit your necessities the best.
Jan 25, 2005 Yep, everyone's talking about using the Mac mini as a home media center, and there's a reason why: its diminutive form factor makes it a good candidate to fit unobtrusively into an existing audio. Throughout the week I've documented my experience turning Apple's US$599 Mac mini into a complete media server-from upgrading the hardware, to setting up Front Row, to configuring the Mac to.
The Mac Mini

The Mac Mini appears the conspicuous answer for a Mac Media Center. Its little outline and low commotion and warmth make it an incredible possibility to fit in with your current blend of up-to-date sound equipment. The Mini is an extraordinary little gadget, it has a pleasant processor, a DVD drive, some hard drive space and enough ports to connect it to all the extra hardware you need. The last thing you require is a major terrible pinnacle case, with uproarious fans to sit by your TV and devastate whatever sound devotion you are attempting to appreciate. Furthermore, the Mac Mini has some sex claim as well.
The iMac
The iMac is likewise a decent possibility for a Mac Media Center, in spite of the fact that its allure is marginally not quite the same as that of the Mac Mini. In a restricted space condition the iMac would the server be able to a double reason. It can be utilized as a desktop machine by day, and be changed to a Mac Media Center by night. The iMac comes in different sizes, from 17″ to 24″ so relying upon the space you have available, and where you need to put it you have a couple of alternatives. The iMac comes standard with pretty much all that you should utilize it as a Mac Media Center.
Mac Media Center
The Mac Pro, iBook, and Mac Book Pro aren’t generally as versatile as the Mac Mini and iMac, however, would none be able to the less be utilized as a Mac Media Center. The 17″ Mac Book Pro would make a decent versatile excitement framework, yet not a devoted media center. Using a Mac Pro as a Mac Media Center is crazy. It’s similar to utilizing a crowbar to open a jar of beans. You’ll require some equipment to run with the Mac Media Center For the reasons for whatever is left of the article I will utilize a Mac Mini for instance.
I have a Mac Mini and have manufactured a media focus with it, so utilizing my direct experience will ideally be somewhat more exact than guessing on what is conceivable in the event that you have x…y…z…There are two or three things you should get your Mac Mini up and run as a Mac Media Center. Some of these gadgets are Apple gadgets and some are nonexclusive gadgets. Some function admirably and some are only a catastrophe.
Remote Control
Remotes for your Mac Media Center the first gadget you should start chasing for is remote. After all, what great is a Mac Media Center without a remote that the family can battle about? There is the notorious Apple remote which accompanies most Mac minis and iMacs. It’s a little remote, yet functions admirably. It comes in typical mac style. It’s little, does all that you require it to do and has no favor highlights. All things considered, it just has 6 catches that enable you to control the whole Mac Media Center.
There are likewise various non-specific remotes accessible. Logitech has a bundle of remotes, some of which function admirably with Mac, and some that are PC only. I have a Microsoft console and remote and have been not able to make them go on the Mac. I would exhort utilizing the Mac remotely. It little, and with half twelve catches is quite simple to use. My DVD player’s remote, for example, has 47 catches, the vast majority of which I have never utilized and I don’t have the scarcest slant to discover how they work.
You’ll additionally require a console for your Mac Media Center Edition, Of course, there are those circumstances you have to enter a few information into the screen, as in iTunes for example, you may need to punch in your secret key when obtaining content. No one needs to continue hopping off the love seat to press a catch, I mean we scarcely muster the nerve to get up for another lager.
Apple has a decent Bluetooth console that you can use from your love seat. It would appear that an ordinary Apple console, yet it has no links and just fits a few batteries at the back. This is an absolute necessity for your media focus. Every once in a while you NEED a console and crawling out from under a warm cover amidst winter can ruin the mood. Of course, Logitech and a couple of other have consoles that would work similarly also. Be that as it may, matching an apple Bluetooth console with the implicit blue tooth in a Mac Mini is less demanding than making toast. Add some stockpiling to your Mac Media Center If you have ever addressed anybody about a media place for advanced media, the word stockpiling would have popped up various times.
The Mac Mini, best case scenario will just have an 80GB hard drive, and when you are downloading motion pictures, TV appears, music, including your own particular CD’s and dumping you computerized pictures you can eat up circle space rather rapidly. So before you know it, you’ll be chasing for a capacity gadget of sorts. Now you have two or three choices to the extent stockpiling is concerned.
You can either interface something straightforwardly to your Mac Media Center, similar to a USB or Firewire drive, or you can associate a Network Attached Storage Device. The distinction truly comes in, when you consider what it is you need to do with your capacity. On the off chance that you need stockpiling only for media substance and need it to be accessible just to the Mac Media Center, at that point a USB or Firewire drive is an incredible option. But on the off chance that you have more than one PC on your system, as most households today appear to have, you should need to consider a network connected capacity gadget, likewise known as a NAS.
Software you will need Once you have settled on which Mac you need to utilize, a Mac Mini for my situation, and you have your remote, and console prepared, and you have some thought of where you are running with some additional capacity in the not too inaccessible future, you have to take a seat and consider what programming you need to use with your Mac Media Center.

Xbmc Media Center For Mac
You have an around twelve alternatives, I’ve taken a gander at a cluster of them, and I’ve limited it down to 3 that I figure you should consider. An ideal approach to choose which media focus application you need to utilize is to introduce each of the 3, utilize them for up to 14 days and afterward make your decision. My Mac Mini accompanied front line, and that is the thing that I chose to use. But here is a separation of the 3 I suggest: Front Row Front push is a Mac application, and goes ahead most Mac Mini’s. It’s a basic interface, looks a great deal like an iPod’s interface and has that glass impact. It’s an extremely cool interface and influences your TV to resemble it’s in a class of its own.
Center Stage Center Stage is an open source application for a Mac Media Center. It’s a decent plan and there’s progressing backing and advancement for it. Center Stage is significantly more customizable than the front column and enables various skins to be introduced. Middle of everyone’s attention additionally has additional modules to influence your Mac Media to focus do more. Just a neighborly cautioning when utilizing non-Apple programming on an Apple machine, particularly when it’s open source. Ensure you run the steady form. Running a beta rendition could cause undesirable interruptions amid your sentimental film which will bring about a night on the couch.
It expects to take a shot at pretty much every Mac ever. Well, perhaps not ever, but rather in any event in the last couple of years. It heater additionally has the best (UI) out of the 3. It coordinates an entire pack of different highlights and can likewise show the weather. Add-ons once you have your Mac scaled down, you remote, console, stockpiling and UI arranged you have to think of some as additional items to influence the entire media to focus thing somewhat more enjoyable. VI-HDMI Connector To upgrade your photo seeing quality, and if your TV bolsters it, get a DVI to HDMI converter. The Mac Mini has an advanced yield, and on the off chance that you can keep your yield computerized, straight into the TV then you will profit from the video quality.
While HDMI underpins sound, DVI does not. So utilizing a DVI to HDMI converter will drop your sound, yet it will keep up your video. You can simply utilize the sound minijack yield from your Mac Mini to get sound to the TV. Your TV isn’t generally an extra, I can’t envision you having a media focus without the TV. Like an auto without a motor (I had one of those for some time and it’s not all that great).When picking your TV, ensure your TV has some vital parts to oblige a Mac Media Center. The most imperative is your info.
You have to, in any event, have a VGA input. HDMI is preferable however VGA is a minimum. Having sound in is another prerequisite. While you can escape with not having a sound contribution to your TV it’ll just make your life somewhat more complicated. Audio out would be the last bit of an extremely pleasant confuse. Having the capacity to associate your TV straightforwardly to your sound framework will empower you to control the sound volume on your Mac Mini from once focal place. I’ll be posting an article on HDTV soon.
I’ve been utilizing Front Row, and it incorporates pleasantly into iTunes. So when I flip through the menus, it resembles flipping through iTunes on an iPod interface. Using iTunes implies that you can download motion pictures TV shows and music from the iTunes store. Once the media has been downloaded, you can get to it and watch it with the snap of a button. This is a simple combination and is naturally improved the situation you.
Using iTunes to add your CD library to your PC is another incredible component. Furthermore, from your media focus, you can basically tap the remote and play your whole music collection. Alternatives For those of you who are hostile to mac, and need to profit by the Mac frame factor, yet need to run Myth TV or Vista Ultimate, you can do that. Simply download boot camp from Apple, stack your most loved OS, the setup you’re Media Center and off you go. The Mac Mini truly offers you the better of the two universes. You can run Mac OSX, Windows, or Linux, and setup you Media Center the way you need.
Read 7 tricks for your iPad to try out
What is a Media Server?
A Media Server is a computer whose purpose in life is to stream your video, audio and pictures to you, on demand. Let’s say you’re on the road traveling, and you want to watch a football game you recorded two days ago. No problem with a Media Server. Just launch the iPhone app, browse to the Sports directory on your media center, and click play! Kind of like cable, except different and better!
Is the Mac Mini Media Server Material?
The Mac Mini has always been an enticing piece of hardware that demanded unique applications like serving media. The Mini footprint is compact, and it’s operating system is solid, making it a perfect fit for this type of “set it and forget it” application. While the hardware itself is a perfect fit for the “Media Server” job, software is needed to round out this kit and convert the Mac Mini into Media Server. Before we get into that, let’s talk processor cycles (horsepower).
What kind of horsepower does this Media Server thing require?
The newer Mac Mini models have more than enough power to transcode several streams concurrently, in addition to serving several additional streams to clients at the same time. In other words, a new Mac Mini will have media streaming to all 3 TV’s in the house, and your iPhone, with no trouble. But what if your Mini isn’t brand new? If you have a older (2-3 yr. ago) Mac Mini, you should be fine as well, just know that the Mini may not handle as many concurrent video streaming sessions, but will still certainly get the job done for 1-3 TV viewing. The biggest advantage of a newer model Mini aside from horsepower is the HDMI outputs, allowing for streaming of full HD resolution to your TV.
Why Plex?
There are lot’s of media servers out there, but the ease of use and functionality makes Plex an excellent choice for newbies and techies alike. This should be no surprise as the software builds on the XBMC code that’s been serving media for years. Aside from the obvious features including streaming video and media players, the notables of Plex are are;
- Access you content anytime from anywhere with virtually no configuration
- On the fly transcoding for mobile or lightweight mediaplayer
- Playback of archived HD content to basically any device on your network capable of receiving video streams like the Roku and XBox media players including soft clients
- Ease of Operation using a Wireless Keyboard and Mouse
- Playback of audio and images from media server
- Centralize Library Management System puts all of your media at your fingertips
- Automatically retrieves meta data from the internet for your content
- Automatically updates when you add new content to your media files
- Dynamic device recognition and transcoding by defined bit-rate
- HDHomeRun Integration for OTA streaming of your favorite football game.
Mac Mini For A Media Center
The Plex interface displays your content in an easy to view graphical interface allowing you to search by name, author, cover and more. Browsing your home movies, iTunes content Hulu or the latest videos on YouTube has never been easier, and the visual organization of the Plex interface makes sorting thru your media collection a snap.
What is Plex?
Mac Media Store
Plex is really a two products designed to work together to stream your video, audio or pictures to you using a rich graphical interface. The two products work together to provide an end-to-end solution for media consumption. The first product, Media Server, creates the streams of media for consumption. The Server also indexes your media, creates the menu system for your local content (movies, pictures, etc) and integrates with a plethora of online content providers, the likes of Hulu Plus, iTunes, Amazon Prime, PBS, CNN, Fox News, HGTV, Food Network, BBC, Netflix and more. The second product, Media Center, or desktop Plex client “catch’s” the video streams and displays them on the screen. Mobile Plex clients catch streams from the Plex Servers for mobile devices.
Plex also ties your online viewing experience to your home “media room” viewing experience by offering a synchronized bookmarking service of sorts. Setting up a My Plex Account will allow browser queue management and sharing of your content. In other words, you’ll be able to save videos for viewing later on another device like your television at home while you’re sitting on the couch. Sounds great right! It is. And it’s easy! Keep reading.
Installing Plex – Media Server Software
Media Center For Mac Mini Computers
The installation and download for Plex, the Media Server Software couldn’t be easier. Once the download is complete, fire off the install and let it do it’s thing. When you are asked to locate your media, simply click to the directories where your video, audio and pictures are stored and the setup wizard will ingest the media and prepare vivid and informative menus indexing all of your content on the fly. Adding your myPlex credentials in the Preferences menu allows you to publish your Plex server on the internet for remote viewing using a Plex client. This publishing uses UPnP to connect thru your home router, so be sure UPnP is turned on in your router’s configuration. Once the setup is complete, the next step is to load a Plex client.
Installing Plex – Media Clients
iPhone Plex Client

Having completed the Media Server install, jump back to the Plex site and download a Plex mobile client or a Plex desktop client. These clients are the virtual set top boxes used to catch and play the streams being sent from the Media Server. With the heavy lifting done, this part of the setup is simple business. After installing the client of your choice, simply add your myPlex credentials in the application preferences and you should be able to connect to your Plex Server straight away. Streaming video from a mobile device could take some tweaking to get it just right, but the default bandwidth settings worked for us, even with less than 5 bars signal. Catching up on Dexter episodes just got a lot easier! And, the On Deck and On Shelf features allow you to start watching a program on your phone, and finish watching it on your computer or home television. Reminds me of that DirecTV commercial where the guy pauses the robot war to resume watching it in the other room. The On Deck and On Shelf features really are cool!
Have you Plex’d your Mini?
We’d love to hear about your Mac Mini used as a Media Server or Media Player. Comments or suggestions are welcome in the area below.