PS3 Emulator: Hello people welcome to Techy Guide. this time we are back with PS3 Emulator PC as well as for Android. We are going to explain everything briefly about the best ps3 android emulator for PC and the best PS3 Emulator for android.
I will also share how to use an android PS3 emulator on Windows or MAC. so simply follow the deep explanation below and learn about the PS3 Emulator.
Virtual PC for Mac. This emulator by Microsoft aims to emulate Windows OS on your Mac giveing. Ps3 emulator free download - PS3 Media Server, Emulator Enhancer, VLC Media Player, and many more programs. Get this HP DesignJet 2500CP PS3 and 3500CP PS3 PostScript driver for Mac OS 9. It’s an open source emulator and is frequently updated. Nestopia is compatible with popular games and supports for the controller. This is one of the best free MAC emulator software for Windows emulator to play playing favorite Nintendo games. The advantage of this MAC emulator is the support of netplay through the Kaillera network.
As you know PS3 is one of the most popular video game console in the year 2006. and it is the updated version of PS2 and the full form of PS3 is PlayStation 3 and developed by sony computer entertainment. the PS3 started in 2006 and ended in 2017.
the very first PS3 released in 2006 and then later PlayStation 3 slim has been released in 2009 and then PlayStation super slim has been released in 2012.
As per sources, the PS3 has sold around 87.4 million units. It is the very first console to use Blu-ray disc as its primary storage medium.
It has a 3.2 GHz Broadband engine with 1 PPE & 8 SPEs and the memory of 256MB XDR DRAM system and 256 GDDR3 videos.
It is the predecessor of PlayStation 2 and the successor of PlayStation 4.
What is an emulator?
An emulator is a software or hardware where you can run one Operating system on another operating system. for example, there is android emulator where you can download those android emulators on windows or MAC and run the android apps on that android emulator.
There are many kinds of emulators like Android Emulator, PS Emulator and many other you can just google it if you want to find types of emulators.
PS3 Emulator:
PS3 emulator is a software where you can install PS3 emulator on your PC or Mobile and play the game which is supported by the PS3 Game console. There are different types of PS3 emulators on the internet and each emulator needs specific requirements.
With the help of these emulators, you can almost play more than 50% of the PS3 Game Console games. Below I will share some of the best PS3 emulators for PC, PS3 emulators for Android & also the PS3 Emulator Games.
Best PS3 Emulators for PC & Android
Here we are sharing both ps3 emulators for android as well as for pc. so if you are searching ps3 emulator for android then please scroll down.

Best PS3 Emulators for PC
RPCS3 – PS3 Emulator
RPCS3 is the worlds first open-source PlayStation 3 emulator for PC. it is developed for both Windows OS as well as the Linux OS. This emulator is capable of running 1068 PS3 games out of a total 3074 PS3 Games.
To run this software here are minimum requirements which you need on your PC. this software is developed by DH & Hykem.
System Requirements:
- 3GB Ram
- 32/64 Bit OS
- Windows 7 & abovePS3.pup system software file
- Microsoft Visual c++ 2015 Redistributable
- OpenGL 4.3 or greater GPU is recommended.
Playstation Now – Online
The PlayStation Now or PS now is not a PS emulator but is a cloud-based game subscription service. On Playstation Now you can play any game from PS2, PS3 & PS4 by paying for the subscription fee.
After paying for the subscription fee you can directly play the games on your PC by using Dualshock 3,4 or Xbox controllers but make sure you at least have a 5MBPS internet speed for not interrupting the game at the time of playing.
This is one of the best because you do not need a high end configured PC to run games of PS.
- Windows 7 OS or above
- 2GB+ RAM
- Min of 5BMPS Internet
- Sound Card
- Xbox or DualShock 3,4 joystick controllers.
- Playstation now subscription
ESX – PS3 Emulator:
This is one of the PS3 emulators for windows. this has few issues with some games. You can play games with enhanced graphics. To download this PS3 emulator you need to complete a survey where you have 2 options to do a survey.
This software is written in c++ and complaints PS3 XMB Kernel to achieve native emulator.

Recommended Requirements
Minimum Requirements:
PS3 Emulators for Android
PPSSPP – PS3 Emulator

PPSSPP is one of the most popular PSP emulators which is available for free as well as the paid version. You can play any PSP game on this emulator and the performance of the game depends on your phone configuration.
If you have a high spec phone then you will experience the smooth gameplay. You can play the game in HD Resolution and you can even customize the game toch pad as per your wish.
You can save the game where ever you want and restore the game from the point where you saved.

This PPSSPP is an opensource project and anyone can contribute to this emulator. The current verion of this PSP emulator is 1.8.0 This software is also available for Android, Windows, IOS, macOS, Blackberry, Symbian, Meego/Harmattan, Pandora, Linux operating systems. You can download any of them from the below download button.
New PS3 Emulator
This is one of the most powerful PS3 android Emulator available online and you can play almost any PS3 game on your android phones after installing the emulator.
This app is free of cost and the process of installation is easy too. You will find no ads in this app and it has HD Gameplay. The only drawback with this app is the Chinese language.
This app is totally in Chinese language and you need to carefully understand in the beginning. This app is of 1.2MB and the latest version of this app is v2.5.2 and it required Android 4.0 and above versions to run the app and the last update of this app is 12th Sept 2018 as per the sources.
Playstation Emulator
The is again one of the best android PS3 emulator available online, you cannot find this app on play store but you can download this from the third-party sources.
We have mentioned the link below to download. This app is similar to the PPSSPP PSP emulator. this app is of 25MB
How to Use Android PS3 Apps on Windows/Mac
You can also use android ps3 emulator on windows/MAC with the help of android emulators. there are many android emulators online but one of the best is NOX app player which comes with a lot of features.
This emulator is available for both Windows as well as for MAC. Below I will explain how to use PS3 Android Emulator on PC.
- First of all, download the Windows/Mac android emulator on your PC and install it.
- After installing, Now install the PS3 Android emulator on that PC Android Emulator and then move the PS3 Game files into the emulator.
- Now set up the way you do with your android phone PS3 Emulator games.
- That’s it. You have successfully learned how to download & install PS3 android on your PC.
We hope you have successfully downloaded the PS3 Emulator on your PC/Mobile.
If you are facing any problem then let us know about it. and do remember that none of the PS3 Game links are provided in the above links. You need to download them by yourself.
Ps3 Emulator Mac Os X
If you know any other PS3 emulator which is not mentioned in our list then do suggest us so that we will include in our list.
Feel free to share your experience with these PS3 Emulators for Windows & Android.
Welcome abroad players! This is official website of PS3Mobi - No.1 emulator for Sony PlayStation 3 console built primarily for Android and iOS mobile operating systems, and later we decided to make it supported for desktop computers as well (with Windows and Mac OS).
Linux users can check out the RPCS3
The application is coded in C & C++ languages with caching/recompilation method which achieves effect of emulating CPU of device you use and make it function like PS3's one does. In other words, this makes your device (smartphone/PC) to act like a real PS3 console while running its games.
Do I need BIOS file to run games?
Shortly, BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is a log file (manual) of codes which tells your device how to run certain console games correctly. And good news for you is that BIOS file is already built inside PS3Mobi so you don't have to download it separately from web.
Where to download games?
You don't have to! Because PS3Mobi has its own server connected to it with all of top PlayStation 3 games uploaded inside so you just need a strong internet connection (WiFi preferred) to download games to your device or even play them online from our server!
But in case some less known game is not included at the server, you can always download it from the web and run it from your hard drive too. Make sure it's in format of image file ('.ISO' file) If you don't know what's an ISO, you can learn it at Wikipedia or do a Google search.
After this feature has been implemented, we decided to cancel our plan to make PSN supported with the emulator. Because it would be very hard job to patch it with the PS network as it's not their official product. This way there is no need for PSN feature anyway once all games are available to play from inside the app.
- Versions 1.0 & 1.1 are not supported anymore
Emulators For Ps3 For Mac Os
Have more questions or need to report some glitch you've detected? Feel free to email us at any time!
The Last of Us
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
* We've played these titles as well which worked successfully without any problems:
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time, Resistance: Fall of Man, Metal Gear Solid 4 (MGS4), Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Beyond: Two Souls, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo 5, Journey, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Little Big Planet, Killzone 2, Dead Nation, The Shadow of The Colossus, God of War III, Sly Cooper, Infamous 2, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, Okami, Soul Calibur IV & Demon’s Souls, Batman: Arkham City, Resident Evil 5, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, Fallout 3.
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