For related advice, you should also read How to move from PC to Mac and The PC users' guide to using a Mac. The experience The operating system on a PC or Mac is a fundamental part of the user. Students and educators at eligible institutions can sign up for Office 365 Education for free, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and now Microsoft Teams, plus additional classroom tools. Use your valid school email address to get started today. Office 365 works like you: everywhere.
Deciding between an Apple Mac computer or a Windows PC computer can be difficult. Try not to be driven by advertising hype. Make sure you choose the operating system that best suits your computing needs.

Very often your decision maybe driven by software that can run on each platform. The table below is not an exhaustive list, but identifies some of the popular software used by our students that run either on a Mac only, a Windows PC only, or both.
MSB Students Please Note: Presently the McDonough School of Business only supports Windows due to program compatibility. Please contact the MSB Technology Center for details.
Really want a Mac?
Note: You can run Windows on current Intel chipset-based Mac computers from within the Mac OS using VMWare Fusion (to purchase go to, or can be dual-booted—having two operating systems installed on your computer, and being able to choose which one to use when your computer boots—using Boot Camp, which is included with Mac OS. For more information, check out Boot Camp Site). Either option requires the purchase of a Windows operating system license available at Microsoft Student Deals.
Both Windows and Mac

Georgetown Applications:
SPSS (Statistical software), GU Safe Connect (VPN), Oracle Calendar (GU Calendar Client), Symantec Endpoint Protection (Antivirus/Malware)
Standard Applications:
Microsoft Word (Word Processing), Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint (Presentation), Microsoft Outlook (E-Mail), Chrome (Internet Browser), Firefox (Internet browser), Adobe Acrobat (Document Viewer).

Mac Only
Georgetown Applications
Standard Applications
Pages (Word Processing), Numbers (Spreadsheet), Keynote (Presentation), Final Cut Pro (Video), Logic (Audio)
Windows Only
Georgetown Applications:
Mac Or Pc For Mechanical Engineering Student
SAS (Statistical software), Minitab (Statistical software)
Standard Applications:
Mac Or Pc For Engineering Student
Microsoft Publisher (Desktop publishing), Microsoft Access (Database), Microsoft Visio (Business), Microsoft Project (Business), Corel Word Perfect Suite (Word Processing).